Guidelines for planting (Management of street trees in Barcelona)

The planting guidelines define the minimum distance between trees so that they do not interfere with services in the city streets but have enough space to grow properly. In Barcelona, the streets are divided into three types depending on the width of the pavements, and different planting guidelines are applied in each case.

- Barcelona, classified according to size

Small tree: diameter of crown less than 4 m and height less than 6 m
Medium-sized tree: diameter of crown between 4 and 6 m and height between 6 and 15 m
Large tree: diameter of crown greater than 6 m and height over 15 m

1. Narrow streets

 Those with a pavement width of less than 3.5 meters, where small species are planted. Planting on pavements less than 2.5 m wide should be avoided.
When buildings have balconies or overhangs and the crown of the adult tree would be expected to come within 0.5 m, planting should be avoided. The minimum distance between trees and lamp posts should be 3 m, and 7 m the planting distance between trees.

2. Medium-width streets

 Those with a pavement width of between 3.5 and 6 m, where medium-sized trees can be planted. The minimum distance between trees and lamp posts should be 4.5 m, and 9 m the planting distance between trees.

3. Wide streets

 Those with a pavement width of more than 6 metres, where large trees can be planted. The minimum distance between trees and lamp posts should be 6.5 m, and 13 m the planting distance between trees.

In all cases, the distance between trees and traffic lights and other signs must be greater than 3 m, and greater than 1 m between trees and dropped kerbs.

Source : Barcelona ajuntamiento BCN